Saturday, 21 December 2013

Create Your Own Sole Art

 I love shoes since I was a little kid. The feeling grows stronger when I saw the most stunning shoes – sneakers with fabulous patchworks on them, when I was walking through a shoes shop and I got them finally, luckily. It was so fancy and colorful that I couldn’t stop staring at. I wondered how a person had an idea to create such a wonderful pair of sneakers.
These are few sneakers that I created a few years ago in high school. A few unused fabrics were sewed on them, then voilà! Seems childish but I don’t really care about how it seems because the only matter is that I can pour my idea onto shoes, especially the boring old shoes and I’m content. I have admiration on how Christian Loubutin constantly innovating in designing amazing heels, even sneakers. So, don’t immediately throw your old shoes away, if they can still be used just because you bored of them. Otherwise, you can recreate them and turn them into a brand new looking shoes just after some magic poured from your heart and mind!
Appearing on Gogirl! Magazine December edition. Would also love to say Merry Christmas, sweethearts!