De colores brillantes y finos se viste la aurora
De colores son los mil reflejos que el sol atesora
De colores se viste el diamante que vemos lucir
Y por eso los grandes amores de muchos colores me gustan a mí!
De colores son los mil reflejos que el sol atesora
De colores se viste el diamante que vemos lucir
Y por eso los grandes amores de muchos colores me gustan a mí!
I have an insatiable love for Mexican décor and ornaments, I consider that it's a bliss. Seeing its rich colors and patterns is just like feeding my hungry eyes that always long for vibrant, striking colors. Since I have a penchant for the bold, I'd say that it definitely has a pop and wow factor. And Motel Mexicola is one of the impeccable embodiments; its use of exotic patterned tile, knick knacks, and wall décor in typical Mexican style.